The 6 Things Your Website Needs

Does your website contain these essential elements?
laptop and books

You're just getting started. You've got your business cards, your brand name, your page domain, and now your website is coming to life. But have you thought through how your website layout interacts with your viewers?

1. Your Message

When viewers come to your website, you want them to know right away who you are, what you do, what you are all about. This should be clear starting with your home screen. Encourage your audience to engage with your website by including easy links to an about section, a bio, or a mission statement. Not sure what to say? A picture is worth a thousand words. Does your home page show off your best?

2. A Personal Touch

What makes you different? Smaller businesses and organizations can have a down-to-earth advantage, creating a more authentic feeling website than larger companies. Make your voice count - be yourself, and invite your viewers to see more than just the high gloss version of what you want to be.

3. Easy Navigation

The last thing you want a potential client or curious visitor to deal with is a complicated interface. When in doubt, go simple. An ever visible menu can provide an anchor to keep viewers from getting lost. If your website features multiple videos or moving content, make sure they wont be a distraction from where you want attention to be drawn.

4. Visual Cues

Don't assume that your viewers will read everything you post. Make your website easier on the eyes by including visual cues, like buttons or icons, that draw attention or provide calls to action. These help engage interaction, and give the visitor a reason to investigate your website further.

5. Style and Functionality

How your website looks will say a lot about your company/organization. Make sure your information is organized, and up to date. Avoid visual clutter by allowing space, and reducing unneeded content. Broken links and buttons that do nothing can take away your credibility - Web Bro can regularly test your website's functionality for you, if you don't want to take the time to test it yourself. Are there special features you would like included on your site? Make them feel like a natural part of the website's environment, and make sure they work before you publish.

6. Social Media Connection

Whether it's a Facebook page, an Instagram account, or a Linkedin profile, your website will gain a larger audience and more positive traffic from people who care about your efforts if you connect your pages together. Linking your website to social media can be as easy as including an icon, menu link, or button. And this goes both ways. Your social media should direct people to your website, where they can learn more about what you're doing, than they would with just a fly-by. The more areas of the internet you have covered, the more people you will reach. Don't have time to manage multiple accounts? Ask Web Bro to manage your social media for you. We can provide as much or as little interaction as you desire, helping you to spread your message to an even larger audience.